1960 – 1979Adrian Ryan2018-11-30T17:45:39+00:00 STILL LIFES 1960 – 1979 Spring flowers, 1960s, oil on canvas, 60 x 45 cm Smoked haddock, 1970s Whiting and shrimps, 1977 Red lilies, 1975 Still life with trout, lemon and knife, c.1960 Two fish and a spoon, 1960s Fish on a plate, oil on paper Still life of fish, late 1960s Still life of pheasant and apples, c.1974 Whiting and mushrooms, 1960s Roses Still life of flowers Cherries and bananas, 1977 GALLERIESAdrian Ryan2018-12-19T16:18:11+00:00 LANDSCAPES – oil paintings LANDSCAPES – oil paintingsAdrian Ryan2018-12-19T16:23:16+00:00 LANDSCAPES – watercolours LANDSCAPES – watercoloursAdrian Ryan2018-12-19T16:26:03+00:00 PORTRAITS PORTRAITSAdrian Ryan2018-12-19T16:20:39+00:00 CAFE SCENES CAFE SCENESAdrian Ryan2018-12-19T16:21:58+00:00 DRAWINGS AND ETCHINGS DRAWINGS AND ETCHINGS
Spring flowers, 1960s, oil on canvas, 60 x 45 cm Smoked haddock, 1970s Whiting and shrimps, 1977 Red lilies, 1975 Still life with trout, lemon and knife, c.1960 Two fish and a spoon, 1960s Fish on a plate, oil on paper Still life of fish, late 1960s Still life of pheasant and apples, c.1974 Whiting and mushrooms, 1960s Roses Still life of flowers Cherries and bananas, 1977